Tips to Eliminate Waste While Shopping

ecofriendly, reusable totes, Trader Joe's, ecofashion

     Many of us may not be ready to make the full leap into being style conscious, which is okay because this not something you can do overnight. I'm sure that many people reading this blog still shop for brand-new clothes at the mall, in-store, or online. We have been conditioned through society and marketing to shop the newest, hottest trends. To ease into this process, I wanted to give some tips on how to be more eco-conscious when you're shopping.

Get an e-mailed receipt: I know we all hate spam, so I highly recommend making an email specifically for when you make purchases. Ask the cashier if they can email the receipt rather than print it out. Also, any coupons offered can be e-mailed rather than mailed on paper to your address. When you have a separate e-mail specifically for shopping, you only have to check it when necessary.

Don't buy something new for a specific day or event: I see this happen all the time! "I'm going out to dinner tonight, but I have nothing to wear!" Most likely not true. You have plenty to wear. You probably have 3 dresses with the tags still on from previous events you were supposed to wear those to, but never did. As I admitted in my first post, I have previously purchased from fast-fashion retailers, but I can't change what I've already bought. So, my best option is to re-wear and then donate those pieces so they become sustainable. My point being - make use of what you already have.

Donate everything:  If you haven't worn something once within the past year, it's time to say goodbye. If the item no longer fits you, or if your kids have outgrown it, pass it on to someone else or donate it. This is difficult for women especially because we try to talk ourselves into keeping it, but try to be honest with yourself. Plus, the less you have, the less clutter and laundry to do which is a win-win in my book.

Bring a reusable tote everywhere: Plastic/paper thank you. This is, in my opinion, the easiest way to start being eco-friendly...eliminate the plastic bag! Yes, they may recycle but if you refuse to use it, you are making that one less bag that retailer has to replenish and you won't create any trash in the first place. I have a few usable bags of different sizes, the biggest one I have is from Aldi, actually. A bigger tote is perfect for shopping because clothing and shoes can be bulky, and you won't have multiple bags to lug around with you. These totes are awesome to grocery shop with, too. A quick side note, for you online shoppers, a reusable tote may not apply. When you receive your package in the mail, flatten and save them to reuse them for something you have to mail out, use them as a gift box, or just make sure they are put in the recycling bin.

If anyone has any other great tips, please comment below!



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