Intro. to Style Conscious

As I start this new venture of Style Conscious, I want to give a small background of the fashion industry, changes in the industry, environmental issues, and social justice that needs to be a necessity, not an option. I also want to disclaim that I am guilty of purchasing from unethical retailers due to being an uneducated consumer. I truly believe that consumers need to own up to the responsibility they carry - YOU OWN ALL BUSINESS! Whatever you purchase, you feed that company, corporation, or organization. Without customers, businesses would not exist. Moving forward, I hope we all stop and think "Who made this?"

Fashion has changed drastically in recent years. Its gone from 2 to 4 seasons to 52 seasons, where mega-corporations such as H&M and Forever 21 receive shipment on a weekly, possibly even daily basis. As someone who lives in the United States, I understand the desire to buy a shirt that only cost $10. With a high-cost of living and student debt, I can relate to contemplating a fashion purchase that would cost $50. But when I'm honest with myself, do I love this shirt? Will I get a lot of use out of it?

After gaining more knowledge, I feel guilty for owning any fast-fashion apparel, shoes, or accessories. This shirt that I haven't even worn yet, but have owned for a year, was most likely made in terrible conditions (you probably recognize the name "sweat shop."). People in developing countries work for low-wage and unsafe garment production facilities. I could go on about just that alone and I plan to. Not to mention the impact these items I may have only worn once or twice have on the environment: pesticides, insecticides, toxin pollution to our air and water, etc. 

Going forward, I want to make sure my closet is being used in the first place, reused, or recycled so I can say I'm utilizing what I already own in a sustainable way. As Style Conscious continues to educate customers and expose the realities of the fashion industry, I hope you realize that you don't have to sacrifice your style to be ethically sound. We will discover brands and methods that help us continue to look good, and  feel good, too.

Picture courtesy of "The True Cost"



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